Qualification at the level of PhD
Students who have successfully passed their MPhil level can pursue their research at this level. However, where students have been granted MA degree from other universities, it is possible to be accepted on this level directly. The dissertation for this stage must be of 75 thousand words, excluding the table of contents and appendices.
Contact between the supervisor and the student
The student should meet the supervisor at least twice a term, in addition to contact via mail, email.
The supervisor should submit his reports after each supervision session to the administration of the ICIS. The reports should show the progress the student does concerning the research.
Academic Supervision
In some cases two supervisors my be assigned: one for the speciality and the other for the approach of research).
Assigning the supervisor is the responsibility of the academic council or board of ICIS.
In case the supervisor was not able to carry on his duty, the ICIS will assign a replacement.
Qualification at the level of MPhil
Prospective student should suggest to the postgraduate board a certain topic for his/her research. Then, the academic board will study the topic. In case the board agrees on the topic, the student will be asked to provide a research proposal of 1000 words.
Once the proposal accepted, a supervisor will be assigned to the student who can then starts his research. At the end of the year, students should submit their dissertation with at least 35 thousand words, excluding the table of contents and appendices.
Academic Supervision
In some cases two supervisors my be assigned: one for the speciality and the other for the approach of research).
Assigning the supervisor is the responsibility of the academic council or board of ICIS.
In case the supervisor was not able to carry on his duty, the ICIS will assign a replacement.
Contact between the supervisor and the student
The student should meet the supervisor at least twice a term, in addition to contact via mail, email.
The supervisor should submit his reports after each supervision session to the administration of the ICIS. The reports should show the progress the student does concerning the research.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are required to have a BA or MA degree from a recognised university or accredited institution of higher education with minimum “Good” grade.
An approved photocopy of the academic qualifications he/she has in addition to the marks record.
Two academic references from two of the applicant’s previous university tutors / academics.
Two passport photos.
A photocopy of passport.
Payment of the application fee
Enrolment procedure
Applicants should fill the application form and submit it along with all required documents to the Postgraduate Registrar of ICIS.
The registrar will then submit the file to the Academic Board for approval. If the submission is not approved, ICIS will not return the submitted documents to the student.
The most important aspect of the application is the choice of research titles. Students should carefully select three topics for their research at the time of application. ICIS will select one of the three and upon conveying it to the student; he/she should submit a research proposal of 1000 words detailing his methodology of research, resources, main Chapters, etc.
Applicants can submit applications at any time of the academic year. Final acceptance will be announced either on the first of February, June, or October. Accordingly, the beginning of the academic year is determined. The tuition fees of the following years are calculated from that date forth.
Duration of study
Applicants may register for either full-time or for part-time study.

Our vision is to contribute to the knowledge as well as methodology of research in Islamic studies in all aspects concerning Muslims and their needs. We are proud to have produced a spectrum of well written thesis in different fields of human sciences.
The postgraduate department is meant to complete the ICIS mission in graduating highly qualified students who will be able to contribute and research in the fields of Islamic and human sciences. The selection of topics is aimed at solving the problems of contemporary problems our societies face.
In addition, graduating with high levels of ability such as postgraduate will qualify the students to teach in universities and work in research centres and other academic institutions.
Spectrum of research topics:
Jurisprudence and its principles.
Interpretation and the sciences of Hadith and Quran.
Logic, philosophy and contemporary Islamic thought (comparative studies with other modern and contemporary schools of thought).
Law and comparative Jurisprudence.
Arabic Language and it Arts.
The problems of education and psychology and sociology from an Islamic perspective (also comparison with modern theories).
Islamic History.
The Political Islamic Thought.
The Islamic Economy.

Academic Supervision
Assign a supervisor is the responsibility of the ICIS academic board.
In some cases, two supervisors may be assigned: one for the speciality and the other for the methodology of research.
In case the supervisor was not able to carry on his duty, ICIS will assign a replacement.
During the first year, students may be required to undertake some formal research training.
Students are required to participate in seminars to give a brief account of their research progress to staff and fellow students.
Contacts between supervisor and the student
Students should meet their supervisor at least twice a term, in addition to continuous contact via mail, email, etc.
The supervisor will submit a report on the students research progress to the head of the postgraduate department at the end of each term.

Submission + Viva
The thesis is eligible for submission according to a report submitted by the supervisor (or the two supervisors) after completing the required period to the board of postgraduate studies showing that the thesis is valid for Viva.
The student should prepare five copies of his thesis with basic binding (compiling): two copies for the members of the discussion committee, one for the ICIS, another for the supervisor and the last for the student. These copies will be distributed to the discussion committee to be read and then the date of discussion is to be appointed.
The Viva committee includes:
External examiner
Internal examiner
The supervisor
The postgraduate dean
The place of Viva
The thesis is to be discussed in the centre of the ICIS in London. In some exceptional cases the discussion can be held in the country where the student live or any near country. The administration of postgraduate studies coordinates with one of the available centres to finalize the matter.
Possible outcomes of viva:
The result of discussion will have the following evaluation:
pass without corrections
pass with minor corrections
resubmission (with major corrections) and no viva or with viva.
Graduation Certificate
The student will be granted a certificate after finalizing the following requirements:
Passing the viva
Sending a corrected copy to the board of postgraduate studies.
Paying all outstanding fees.