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The International Colleges of Islamic Science




Assessment is by examination and assignment



Face-to-Face Learning

After allocating the exam dates, students sit for the supervised exams at ICIS exam centres according to the exam time-table. The final mark will be evaluated according to the following percentages:

10%  for the first term exam

10%  for the second term exam

10%  assignment for a module chosen by the student.

70%  for the end-of-year exam.


Distance Learning

The final mark will be evaluated according to the following percentages:

10%  for the 1st term assignment.

10%  for the 2nd term assignment.

80%  for the end-of-year exam.


Exam Dates:

First-term exam

Face-to-Face only    First week of January


Second term exam

Face-to-Face only    First week of May

Final year exam

First session First week of July


Final year Exam

Second session       First week of September

Students, who have failed in three modules or less in the first session exams, can re-sit them in the second session exams.

Examination appeals:

Students have the right to object to the given mark of any module by sending a written letter, requesting a review of their exam paper.

When the letter of objection is received, the exam department will review the marked paper to make sure that there were no mistakes in the marking calculation or the presence of unmarked questions. Later the student will be informed of the results.

In case the student still wants to object to the reviewing, the exam paper can be re-marked after the student has paid the relevant fee.


Examination Rules:

• Students have the right to postpone the exams of all modules after notifying the registrar in writing at least one month before the exam date; otherwise, the student will be considered a failure due to no attendance.

• Distance learning students who have postponed their exams to next year and have enrolled before April of the same academic year should pay another enrolment fee.

• Students who did not sit for the exams in the first session in any module and have an acceptable reason can sit for the same in the second session of exams, in September.

• Students cannot be transferred from one year to the next if their postponed and/or failed modules from the previous year exceed three modules.

• The total period of study should not exceed 8 years.


Examination Instructions:


1   Writing with a pencil is not allowed.

2.  Module materials such as books and notes, etc. are not allowed in the exam        room.

3.  Mobiles are strictly forbidden in the exam room.

4.  Talking with other examinees is not permitted during the exam.

5.  Leaving the exam room during the exam is not allowed, except for supervised      bathroom breaks.

6.  Students should leave the exam room immediately after finishing the exam.

7.  Exam papers that do not include the required information will not be marked.

8.  Students must sign the attendance sheet before the exam starts, otherwise,        the student can be considered absent.

9.  The student who has postponed module(s) should inform the exam supervisor        and should not enter the exam room.


Plagiarism and Misconduct:


In cases where a student is caught cheating during the exam by the exam supervisor, his case will be raised to the disciplinary committee of the ICIS, which will take a decision towards the student who has cheated in accordance with the exams rules. The penalty may be expelling the student from the ICIS.


Passing (Success) Grades:


Excellent:    90 - 100%

Very Good:    75 - 89%

Good:         65 - 74%

Pass:         50 - 64%

Failure:      0 -  49%

Transferred:  Students who have passed most of the modules but failed up to three modules are considered transferred.

These students should re-sit for the same modules in the following year(s).





Yearly Assignment (Face-to-Face)

The objective of writing essays (approx. 10 pages each) during each academic year is to familiarise students with writing research findings and avoiding its pitfalls.


Graduation Assignment


The objective of performing a graduation research as well as essays is to enable students to use the methods and mechanisms of writing an academic research and to be qualified for graduation in their final year. At this stage, students will be able to:

•           Choose the title for their final year dissertation

•           Set the outline of the dissertation plan

•           Use the right resources for their dissertation

•           Collect the required academic materials

•           Write the dissertation in a proper and professional way

•           Defend the outcome of the dissertation



Exam Centres:


Students are advised to check the exact location centres very carefully, and we strongly advise that you familiarise yourself with the location well in advance, to ensure you allow yourself plenty of time to get there before your exam starts.

For distance learning students a list of the exam centres as well as the exam time-table will be sent to the student three months in advance. Exam time-table will also be published on ICIS’s website.



Exam time:


The exam time allocated for each module is two hours


Exam Centres for Face-to-Face Learning students:


There are three exam centres in the following countries:

1.         The United Kingdom - London

2.         Iraq – Baghdad and Karbala

3.         Saudi Arabia - Madena and Dammam


Exam Centres for Distance Learning students:


There are around 10 exam centres around the world, located in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and the Middle East.

An exam centre is set-up when the number of examinees exceeds 10 students. If for some reasons there is no exam centre in one country, the student has to sit in an exam centre nearest to him/her.

Unit 6, Wellesley Court, 
Apsley Way,
London NW2 7HF, UK
Tel: 0044 20 8450 8383

00 44 7469 600 168


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